
Blogs and wikis

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago

Using blogs and wikis in the school library


Getting started with blogs



What is a blog? A blog can be used in many ways. Blogs can be used as the writer's "reflection aloud," used to stimulate discussion, or be used simply to convey information. Blogs have a moderator who typically is the main author and who creates the posts to which others can respond.


A blog can tell a story:



Why use a blog?

Weblogg-ed has gathered suggestions here.


School libraries with blogs--Explore!


Other ideas for using a blog in the library?

--Reflect on how libraries are changing and new things you are learning

--Communicate with your students and community

--Appoint a scribe from the library club to post each day/week

--Share news about the library, about authors, or about websites

--Share professional development with your staff

--Blog on a theme, like Fantasy books, Anime, Mystery, Young Adult books, etc.

--Share events and holidays and post about books that relate to those


Sites that host blogs:

o Edublogs www.edublogs.org

o Blogger www.blogger.com

o Blogmeister



Instructions for Edublogs:

o Create a user name(this will also be the web address so choose carefully).

o Enter your email so you can approve blog posts.

o Your blog will be created and a link will be emailed to you.


o Basic Settings

-- To moderate and approve comments, use the Options--Discuss area. (Check all boxes under Options--Discussion)

-- OR Users have to login (under Users) Not recommended

-- Presentation—controls the theme or design; the "sidebar widgets" allow you to drag and drop items to show on your page

-- Write—this area allows you to write or manage posts.

-- Manage—this area allows you to edit, approve, or change posts

--Blogroll--the blogroll area allows you to create a list of other recommended blogs or sites


When creating a post--

--Assign a "category" or "tag" for your post so that they will be sorted by subject in your sidebar.


***Advanced tips--

--Assign the "blogroll" category to any listed in your Blogroll area.


--To add pictures or files:

Use the file upload area. This appears when you are writing your post.

Upload the file, click within your text where you'd like the image to appear, and then click "send to editor."



More examples:

o Schools http://mabryonline.org/blogs/

o On technology http://www.weblogg-ed.com

o Corporate blogs: http://www.amazon.com/gp/blog/id/A287JD9GH3ZKFY



Sites that allow you to "subscribe" to blogs:


No time to go read blogs? Have them come to you!

Use sites like Pageflakes or Bloglines or Google Reader to have content delivered to you all in one place.




Getting started with wikis



What is a wiki? A wiki is a site where collaborators can contribute information jointly. Usually a wiki can be edited by any reader. Also, there is usually an area for comments and a history of the edited sections.





o www.pbwiki.com (free or paid levels of access)

o www.wikispaces.com (giving away 10,000 free/partner to Edublogs)

o www.jotspot.com (Google just bought jotspot and it’s currently disabled)

www.wetpaint.com (can invite "writers" to join, whom you approve)





o Find my tips on using pbwiki.com at www.brightworkshop.pbwiki.com (password is “eanes”) Click “sidebar” to see tips.

o Another example at www.futura.wikispaces.com




o WHS examples www.policyproject.pbwiki.com www.chapsipc.wetpaint.com

o Other Eanes examples http://eebluebonnets.pbwiki.com/ http://ccebluebonnets.pbwiki.com/

o A student created manual on a topic http://westwood.wikispaces.com/Chapter+1+-+Security+and+Privacy

o Staff development committee planning

o Wikipedia.com encyclopedia

o Wikitravel Wikibooks

o Wikinews

o Ebay has a wiki where users create the manual

o Best Buy has a corporate wiki for employees to share information


What can you use a wiki for?

--To create a class encyclopedia or textbook

--To collect group work so that students can collaborate between classes

--To collect links to good websites or news articles on topics

--To work with other teachers on a collaborative document

--To collaboratively post book reviews or audio book links

--To collect your own links or images to share with your class in a presentation

--To use in a discussion or a workshop to list ideas and comments

--To create a recommendation site for your subject (books, movies, news, etc)

--To have students create a webpage on internet safety


What can you put on a wiki?

--Sound files (mp3) and podcasts




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