
Destiny Library Software Tips and Questions

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago


 Destiny Software


Add your questions or tips here!


1.  Circ patrons are fixed.


2.  A "pop up" appears for every overdue item.  I'll check the site configuration, but any suggestions?  We don't want to stop and take care of  the "pop ups" for every overdue since we don't collect fines.

ANSWER MY OWN QUESTION:  At site configuration, DO NOT CHECK "Automatically calculates fines for overdue items." Bonnie




Update:   See the instructions below for centering your barcode labels.


Step one:   In Adobe Reader versions 6 and 7, after you tell it to print--

Set Page Scaling to None

Clear the Auto-Rotate and Center check box

Clear the Choose Paper Source by PDF page size check box.


Step Two--In Destiny, Under Reports, Barcode labels, scroll to the bottom.  There is a box called Printer Offset.  You may have to adjust these numbers to get it to align properly.


I used the Avery 8160 and offset 5 and 5 and the copy barcodes worked.--Nancy   I'm having the same problem as Shannon with the spine labels.  No option for 5 X 10 labels and I have a lot, too.


For Spine Labels, you will have to do the same thing with the printer offset.  More information about that from Destiny help:


Use the Printer offsets to fine-tune the alignment of the printing on the labels.

The Horizontal and Vertical offsets let you adjust the left and top margins, respectively. Each increment is equal to 1/10th of a millimeter. Keep in mind that the offsets needed for each label stock vary from printer to printer.

When you print, Destiny saves the offset settings you used so that you do not have to set them again.


Locate your stock in the following tables and enter a number within the allowable range:

For the Horizontal setting

Item #


per sheet





Spine Labels

Demco 14216170 or 14217240

5 x 11



Demco 14216190 or 14217250

10 x 10



Demco 14218020 or 14217280

8 x 7



Demco 14218030 or 14217290

8 x 6



Sagebrush 0370-00000009

6 x 5



University 9-62450-12 or 387-115L or 377-115LPS

8 x 6



Spine/Pocket Labels

Demco 14216180

1 x 12 sets
3 Across



Demco 14216850

2 x 5 sets



University 342-SL4L or 377-SL4LPS

2 x 4 sets



University 342-OS6DL or 377-SL6LPS or 387-SL6L

2 x 4 sets



University 9-62450-15 or 342-2000LPS

1 x 12 sets
3 Across



For the Vertical setting

Item #


per sheet





Spine Labels

Demco 14216170 or 14217240

5 x 11



Demco 14216190 or 14217250

10 x 10



Demco 14218020 or 14217280

8 x 7



Demco 14218030 or 14217290

8 x 6



Sagebrush 0370-00000009

6 x 5



University 9-62450-12 or 387-115L or 377-115LPS

8 x 6



Spine/Pocket Labels

Demco 14216180

1 x 12 sets
3 Across



Demco 14216850

2 x 5 sets



University 342-SL4L or 377-SL4LPS

2 x 5 sets



University 342-OS6DL or 377-SL6LPS or 387-SL6L

2 x 4 sets



University 9-62450-15 or 342-2000LPS

1 x 12 sets
3 Across




Is anyone else having trouble printing the Sagebrush 0370-00000001 labels?  It is slightly off (starting slightly too low so everything is just off for peeling off the labels.  I have done all the checking and unchecking of boxes we discussed at the training.--Shannon --I'm having trouble with my labels too.  3rd column won't line up.  I'll try again on Monday.-Nancy

Now even the Avery ones that used to work do not work either.  Has anyone else printed patron bar code labels?--Shannon

Shannon, Debby says that you need to cut off the top of the Avery labels - along the perforation (about a 1/4 ").  Then when you insert the sheet into the printer, lay it face down with the cut end near you. Bonnie   Did this take care of y'all?  Please let me know and I'll continue to pursue Follett's tech support - Kimberley


4.  SPINE LABELS:  Update--

The font on the spine labels cannot be made larger.  I will put in an enhancement for that.--Carolyn


I didn't see a choice for any type of 5 x 10 spine labels for printing.  I have boxes of these!--Shannon 


If you have printed spine labels, please let me know what type of label worked for you.  Thanks. -Patti


Can someone read the manual and see what the instructions say?


We had trouble printing spine labels also, so I will email Follett on that issue.


5. DELETING STUDENT-EL:   I was able to delete my circulation types without a problem, but I wasn't able to delete that last catagory under patrons.  Did anyone else have that problem?

If there are students in student-EL, not sure you can delete them?  I'm going to see if Kimberley can purge that part, since it's old students.--Carolyn

I checked to move that group to "students" before deleting, but it didn't work. (That did work with the other groups.)



Other issues I'm (Kimberley) following up on with Follett Tech Support: (1) Patron search - narrow down to just staff vs. keying in a staff's last name and getting all students and staff.   This cannot be done.  I have to send in an enhancement.  Carolyn 

(2) When you are checking out, if you "uncheck" the box for only your patrons, you can check your book out to any patron.   But you can't check a book OUT from another library. 

I explained the ILL problems to the tech support person today.  We are going to have to send in an enhancement.  Only the owning library can check out.  She did suggest using the "hold" feature.   Also, you can log in as the owning library temporarily to check the book out to your patron.  Just make sure in Circulation that you "uncheck" the box that says "only my patrons" and it will let you check it out.


When will the Destiny Remote be available? (Bonnie)


I'm trying to print barcodes for new students and am having to do them one last name at a time.  Is there a way to do more at a time?  This is very time consuming.--Nancy  I'm submitting this to Follett as well because I don't see a selection for new students anywhere in there.   Kimberley


Nancy, I have to suggest that as an enhancement.  Carolyn

I wonder if we could do this in Excel?  Kimberley, what do you think?  Can the bar code report be saved to Excel or preferably Word?  If so, I would think this shold be possible.  Would have to test it.  I am going to try and get label sample stock from Nancy within the next day or so...Kimberley


Also, we are timing out all day long.  Is there a way to keep it from making us login over and over again?--Nancy   I'm asking our Windows support person on this as I think it's a setting on the actual server itself and not a setting within the Destiny application - I'll post here again once I hear something.  Kimberley      Kimberley is resetting this for all Circ and ALL patrons.  If you want to reset it for any other patrons, go into Back Office.  The time out setting is at the top of the page.--Carolyn   All Circ and Library Administrator logons have been changed to timeout after 4 hours (this is the max amount of time) -- Kimberley.




General Support Tips:


From the "Help" button:


Ask Ms. Marc

email Tech Support

Suggest enhancements


For pre-recorded trainings:

Help--scroll to Follett website--Client support--Training (scroll down)


To sign up for newsletter/listserv:

Help--scroll to Follett website link--Client support-Community--Follett talks(need customer number)


Job Manager--

Clean up reports periodically by scrolling to the bottom and set a date to delete reports by.


Printing Barcodes--

When on the print screen, set "page scaling" to none.

Make sure there are no check marks on Auto or Page Source.

Click Advanced and place an "x" by "print as image"


Interlibrary Loans and Checking out to other Libraries:


If you'd like to circulate your assets throughout your district:

  1. Open the Catalog/Circulation tab of Site Configuration in the Back Office.

  2. Select the Allow assets to circulate to any patron/department/location in the district check box.

  3. Click .

Once you select this option, you'll be able to retrieve and view patron records for patrons from other schools, and check out assets to them.

In Check Out  in Circulation

  • On the To Patron tab, you'll just need to clear the Only my patrons check box that appears.  Remove the check-mark, and then you can see patrons from other campuses.



DeleteDeleting a copy

You delete a copy under cataloging, when you go into the "details" for an item.


If you choose to delete a copy, you'll have the option, Track as weeded, to add the copy to your Weeding Log. If you choose Yes, Destiny adds title and copy information to the log. You can generate a Weeding Log in Reports in the Back Office.

If you choose to delete a copy, be aware of the actions that Destiny takes automatically:

  • Any fines are retained on the record of the patron(s) who incurred them.

  • Any holds for the copy are deleted. (If there are other copies, any title holds remain in effect.)

  • The total numbers in the Collection Statistics Summary are not affected by a deletion. When drilling down to view the copies, however, this copy, and its individual statistics, will not appear on the list.

Before you choose to delete a copy that is the last copy attached to a title (MARC) record, make sure you have selected your preferred option on the Site Configuration page in the Back Office.


Fall tasks:

Set up calendar in Site Configuration--Site info

Set up final due dates for patrons types.

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