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Google Tools

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

 Using advanced Google Tools




The following is a 2004 TED Talks video from the creators of Google.  Watch the beginning to see the worldwide use of Google.

Fast forward to 13 minutes into the video to see them talk about Google 20% Creative Time.  (Thanks think:lab for recommending this!)


***Some of the tools mentioned in the video have changed since this presentation.



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Google has many tools that are useful for educators.  Many of them can be found on the "more" page, or at the Google Labs.


Google has also created a site for educators, with a list of tools they find useful for education, links to tutorials, etc.



Google Tools


To use many of these tools, you will need to create an account on google.   If you use Gmail already, which is Google's email account, you already have an account.


The Basics:


                    Can create a document, collaborate with others on editing it or writing it, and when done, publish it and create a unique web address for it

                     Get email alerts for a particular search you create whenever new information is posted to the web

               Set up a calendar, put events on it, share it with a group

               Can create a map of your own, draw on it, type on it, view in different formats (satellite view, street view, etc.)

               Create your own web page with this easy to use web page creator

               Create your own "home page" with news feeds, gadgets like your Google Calendar, sticky notes, and your links

              Keep your bookmark "favorites" online in your notebook, organize them by category, etc. so they travel with you.  

              Other sites that do this:  del.icio.us  and Furl


Other useful Google Tools:

                 Full text books online, can search for a word in the book; helpful for vocabulary words, use with novels in English classes

                 Create your own blog using blogger

                 Use Google Blog search to find other blogs of interest.

                Download Picasa to your computer for a tool which can manage and store your photos or create online albums.

                More instructions and tips on using Picasa in education

               Keep a list of blogs you like to read in Google Reader, it updates when new "posts" are made

  • Google Earth

               Google Earth has to be downloaded to your computer.

               A introductory tour of Google earth                            

               For a view of advanced ways to use Google Earth, the beginning of this presentation is very helpful.    (Fast forward to minute 8:30 to see

               how a teacher has used Google earth in his math class.  ) 


More ideas and tips for using Google in the classroom from Google for Educators



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