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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Using Photostory


Photostory can be used to create a visual presentation, using still photos, but adding sound, transitions and movement to create a more active presentation.


See what students can do with photostory:



Texas History Videos 


For a step by step tutorial, click here:

http://www.jakesonline.org/photostory.pdf  (excellent example with screen shots)


http://vietnamexperience.pbwiki.com/PhotoStory (instructions for a district project on the Vietnam wall using photostory)


Ideas for using photostory --from our workshop:


--Compile year long photos of your class and create an end of the year photostory for students/parents

--Use it to have students to create a geneology photostory of their family history

--Send students out in the building with cameras and photograph shapes or letters, and compile a photostory of their photos

--Use it as part of a black history month study of music--along with the book I See the Rhythm--to create a photostory that includes photos and music discussed in the book

--Have students take photographs relating to engineering or measurement for math and compile into a photostory

--Use it to create a slide show for your class or convert your existing powerpoints into a movie format.


Tips and Tricks:


To add text to slides:

Use powerpoint to add text to your images.  Import the image into powerpoint and add text.

Select "save as" and scroll down through the choices to "save as jpg."   Save the picture.  It can now be imported, with your text, into photostory.

You can convert an entire powerpoint at one time into jpg files.


Sources for photos:  TO SAVE PHOTOS, RIGHT CLICK on the PHOTO< Pick SAVE PICTURE

KidsClick Arts

Nettrekker Image Search

Flickr (Use Creative commons link)


Government sites like NASA and American Memory Collection, museums, etc.

Google Image search (for published presentations, get copyright permission first)


Sources for music:  TO SAVE MUSIC, RIGHT CLICK< AND PICK "Save Target As" and download to your folder.

Free music Site 

Altavista.com    mp3, wav file search

Odeo podcasts and mp3  (To download an mp3, when you see "download this" --right click, and select "save Target as" and download the song.)


New--Using Picasa from Google with Photostory

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